Life Together: A Mutual Dependency

Continuing on with the current series, I will be commenting on the next devotion in the Purpose Driven Life – A Mutual Dependency.  

To read the whole devotion, click here.

How many Christians would see that authentic Christian life can be seen in the word interdependence?  Rev. Warren starts of this devotion by saying,

“In authentic Christian fellowship people should experience a mutual dependency. This mutuality is the art of giving and receiving; it’s depending on each other.”

Now, personally, I don’t  like depending on people.  Honestly, I find it hard to ask for things.  I willingly give of myself, but when it comes to asking … well… ummm… let’s say I’m still working on that.  This devotion cuts across that, though. We are encouraged to depend on each other – for “no man is an island” is the popular adage, right?

I love The Message.  It makes things so clear and understandable.  Check this out:

The Bible says, “The way God designed our bodies is a model for understanding our lives together as a church: every part dependent on every other part” (1 Corinthians 12:25 MSG).

Now that’s clear!  The church is seen as a Body… how much does the ‘smallest’ part NEED the ‘bigger’ parts?  It wouldn’t be a fully functioning Body without every single part!  Interesting thought….

All of us are more consistent in our faith when others walk with us and encourage us. The Bible commands mutual accountability, mutual encouragement, mutual serving, and mutual honoring.

I know that’s true in my own life, for sure.  Who hasn’t tried to work out alone? 🙂  Have you been able to stick it on your own?  No. I didn’t think so…. 😆  Reminds me of one of my most quoted Scriptures –  Ecclesiastes 4:10-12

 10 If one falls down, 
       his friend can help him up. 
       But pity the man who falls 
       and has no one to help him up!

 11 Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. 
       But how can one keep warm alone?

 12 Though one may be overpowered, 
       two can defend themselves. 
       A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

 Isn’t that powerful? “If one falls down, his friend can pick him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up?”  I’ve been down a lot recently (I’m going through a painful process), and thank God for my friends who are constantly there to help me up – through encouragement, prayer and support – several of them, who don’t live in the same country as me (thank God for Internet friends – long live the Blogosphere!) have independently mailed me books and resources that can help me through this time.  I have cried thinking about how much my friends love me – some without seeing my face in person!  I wouldn’t trade them for the world…. 

*wipes tears*  Ok, where was I?  Right… *cough* *cough*

Rev. Warren next says this:

Over fifty times in the New Testament we’re commanded to do different tasks for “one another” and “each other.” The Bible says, “Make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification” (Romans 14:19 NIV).

Derek Prince makes mentions of the “one anothers” in Scripture.  Over FIFTY TIMES!!!!!! WOW!  I know that when God wants to emphasize something he repeats himself, “I, even I, am the Lord….” So what is he trying to say by repeating the same point over and over? Go figure.  This isn’t supposed to be a solitary faith walk. No sir-ee…

The concluding statement is this:

You are not responsible for everyone in the body of Christ, but you are responsible to them. God expects you do whatever you can to help them.

So, what are you responsible to the Body of Christ with?  What can you help with?  How do you see yourself being of assistance to the Body?