Tomas – Unwelcome Visitor to the Caribbean

Tropical Storm Tomas (now Hurricane Tomas) passed over Barbados in the early hours of Saturday morning.  

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Here are some of the pictures I took on my way to work this morning – I was in too much shock to take pictures directly after the storm’s passing on Saturday – but I passed at least 4 uprooted trees, bent and twisted galvinise fences,  branches strewn across the roads, at least one road has a huge crack in the middle of it.

In the news we saw a wall that fell onto an empty car – the car was smashed as the bricks fell on it;  pictures of a church that has lost its roof.  In fact, several houses have lost roofs as well…. water and electricity are still being slowly turned back on throughout the country.  My parents did not have electricity nor water up to this morning (Monday morning!)

Here are some articles about the devastation in Barbados:

Once Tomas passed Barbados, it devastated St. Lucia and seemingly gunning through the Caribbean island chain.  I personally have friends in St. Lucia and need to find out if they are alright – especially after hearing that about 4 people have died in the onslaught of the storm.

Tomas is heading toward Haiti‘s direction now, I believe… please keep us in your prayer