NEEDING YOUR HELP–VOTE (via “You Will Rise Again”)

My friend Renee… you know her online as lost sheep … has been blogging about spiritual abuse for a while. I mentioned her in one of my Blog Highlights posts.

Now she has entered a competition put on by Pepsi, trying to raise awareness for spiritual abuse. I promised her I’d help her promote her page to get votes, so read below and then help her out – you who are connected to my Tweets and FB feed would have seen these already, but here’s one more for a worthy cause!!!!!!!!!!!

As you know i am working on a community awareness for spiritual abuse—i am gotten accepted into the voting part of the pepsi refresh grant/contest—-voting will take place from today through August 31—and you can vote up to 10 times a day—you can vote by going to this link: or going to Pepsi Refresh on FB application or going to the pepsi refresh website and once you get to the voting part … Read More

via “You Will Rise Again”

For those who just like to get to the point:  Go to and vote for Lost Sheep’s bid to raise the awareness of Spiritual Abuse via a competition put on by Pepsi.  Thanks for helping!

Blog Highlight: Lost Sheep – You Will Rise Again

I thought that I would continue the highlights of blogs that I interact with, and friends that I have met through the blogosphere.

Lost Sheep has been my friend now for a while, and we have been walking together through her recovery from spiritual abuse.  I have been there to listen and just be a friend while she expresses her frustration and pain about being constantly told that God hated her, that she was a terrible Christian, that she would never amount to anything and the like.  It has affected her emotionally, physically and, of course, spiritually as well.  She was horrified to realize later that the ‘church’ she had joined as a brand new believer eager to know more about the Lord was actually an organization with strong cult tendencies.

She has detailed how the abuse has affected her, given her story briefly, and set up groups for mutual support and comfort for those who have been victims of spiritual abuse, as well as pastors and leaders who want to know how to help.

I have encouraged her that her story and her work is important, and it will help many.  In a real sense it will also shine light into the dark corners of spirituality (this isn’t true church by any means) and as the light shines in the darkness, it will definitely derail Satan’s plans on many levels.

So, I encourage all to go and read her blog – You Will Rise Again.  Anyone who is interested to understand how cults affect people – here is one person who is no where near the end of her journey… she is constantly battling spiritual oppression as well as apparent betrayals from those who have promised to assist her.  BUT – she keeps on going.  She keeps pressing on – albeit with a lot of encouragement from some close friends.  Her work is important.  Get involved by prayer or by reading the blog and interacting with Lost Sheep.

Pray.  Get involved.