Personal Devotions – Hiddenness

The Wise and Foolish Builders

24“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.26But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. 27The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.”28When Jesus had finished saying these things, the crowds were amazed at his teaching, 29because he taught as one who had authority, and not as their teachers of the law.

God led me to this passage as I was asking him whether I could be released from my sabbatical from ministry in order to intercede for one of my best friends, who’s going through a rough patch. God was talking to me about my foundations – that they need to be on the solid rock.  The ‘rock’ represents the revelation of Christ – see Peter’s confession ‘Thou art the Christ….” and Jesus’ reply, “… upon this rock I will build my Church….”  Matt. 16:15-18

The lady helping me through this area in my life said to me that ministry attracts attack from the enemy – every time I pray for someone or even encourage them prophetically it invades enemy territory – and he won’t take that lying down!

The reason for the sabbatical’s extension, even although I have repented of my past sins, is not to punish me. (I was starting to feel that way, honestly!)  What was revealed to me was that every life that carries ministry must have firm foundations.  I am in a season where I am rebuilding my walls and re-laying foundations.  If I take ‘pot shots’ at the enemy by continuing to minister while being restored, then Satan can use the weaknesses in my defense to take me out! She said that the frustration I feel at not being free to minister to others like I want to is a motivator to get out of my broken state and be completely set free.

While in prayer with a new intercessor friend today,  as I shared the details of my sabbatical, I felt that God was telling me about being hidden for a purpose.  The Scripture was dealing with foundations. Foundations are hidden things.  The foundation is under the earth, and it anchors the building that is resting on it.  God was telling me about the foundations of my faith and my life, but I also heard him say, “Hidden for a season.”  The thought came of being formed in the Secret Place, like a baby being formed in its mother’s womb – Psalm 139:15-16

15 My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place.
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,

16 your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me
were written in your book
before one of them came to be.

So, I’m now settled.  I understand what I need to do.  God has me hidden. It’s time for me to seek his face again.

Please – pray for me.

Father, I thank you that you have answered my prayers.  Thank you that you have explained your will to me. I love you so much.  Please help me to make the most of my hiddenness… I want to be completely hidden in you!  Help me to be patient, and not to chafe at the bit wanting to run out of the racing stocks. I want to be complete in you, and when you are ready, you will release me to do what you have called me to.  I ask you to draw people to pray for me and your work in my life, so that I will be able to get your will done through me.  Thank you for your hiding place! AMEN

9 Responses

  1. Aww, Rob!! Well, while I’m sure this is probably not what you were hoping to hear, I do see great strength in this revelation and approach. Praise be to God for wisdom in these things. I love the analogy of foundations being hidden, and building/rebuilding yours … powerful. Be encouraged, brother! I support you!

    • thanks, Annie boo… that really means a lot. (You’re right. I didn’t want to hear that…. but like I said, it’s settled me. So keep praying… and I’ll hurry up and get through this 🙂

      Love u LOTS

  2. Going through years of enforced hiddenness isn’t all that uncommon really, is it? Jesus was hidden for 30 years before his ministry began.. Lots of prophets, disciples were hidden or running into hiding at some time or another. Some prophets we only hear from once and then they disappear for ever. Paul was imprisoned for long periods. I guess that during their time of hiddenness God was grounding them, teaching them to lean heavily on him and preparing them to go forth.
    During my years of hiddenness I remember this picture – the crown of a tree can only be wide and big, if the roots are equally wide and branched out under the earth or it will not be stable in a storm. It makes perfect sense to me, even if I don’t know if that is true for all trees! During the winter months when nothing is happening up top, there’s lots going on underground which we’ll only see in spring.
    Patience, dear brother, undergound work is probably so much more important than we can begin to understand.
    God bless you with wisdom, Jonie

    • Thanks, Jonie….the picture of the tree root system is poignant.

      “During the winter months, when nothing is happening up top, there’s lots going on underground, which we’ll only see in spring.”

      So true….

      Love you!

  3. Robert,

    Your message touched me. Like Jonie, I thought of the preparation our Lord Himself went through… in particular, when I read your post, I thought of the 40 days in the wilderness before His ministry began. Just think – He had just been baptised, a voice had come from heaven, from His heavenly Father: “Thou art my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased”(!), John the Baptist had endorsed Him, and the Holy Spirit had visibly been seen to descend upon Him in the form of a dove. You would have thought that Jesus would immediately have gone into His signs and wonders ministry from that very moment. But no… a time of testing in the wilderness came… a time of being hidden away, with no food and only wild beasts as companions. Not pleasant, nor was that His own choosing… the Word says He was led of the Spirit into the wilderness. But at the end, angels ministered unto Him and He went forth in the power of the Spirit! (Matt 4; Luke 4).

    By the way, I love Jonie’s root-strengthening analogy… it is similar to what the Lord was showing you about your hidden foundations being strengthened, but with added revelation – not only are the hidden parts of you being reinforced but there is hidden growth taking place as well! Similar in fact to what the Lord was showing you also from Psalm 139… a baby being formed in a secret place.

    I also think of the passage in Isaiah concerning our Lord where He is spoken of as a arrow hidden in the quiver of God. “And he hath made my mouth like a sharp sword; in the shadow of his hand hath he hid me, and made me a polished shaft; in his quiver hath he hid me” Isaiah 49:2

    So rest for now in the shadow of the hand of God. Your mouth is being made like a sharp sword, you are being polished. The day will come when the Lord will draw you forth from his quiver, and fire you again and again into the enemy camp. Be encouraged!

    As you winter in the secret place, and until the Lord tells you, “Lo the winter is past” (Song of Sol 2:11), may you come to know wisdom in the hidden part (Psalm 51:6) and eat of the hidden manna (Rev 2:17).

    Your brother in Christ,

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