Deliverance and Healing

Finally I have gotten around to this question of deliverance and healing… I know I promised I would look into it. Actually, a post on another site I visit brought it up, and I decided I would link to it. I like what it said, and I agree with it. So go here to read the full article…

What about people who truly believe or truly want to be free but cannot get their breakthrough? – as a couple people who have gotten into contact with me are…

Why do some get their deliverance easily and others don’t? Is God unfair?

Repost: The True Meaning of the Cross

I am reposting this article here for two reasons – it is the most sought after post on my blog (still!) AND Easter is coming! Fine time to think about … The True Meaning of the Cross! Here we go…

I am putting a link here that I want people to visit. This website is so deep! It is Biblical teaching at its best. I’ve been reading things about House Churches and the Biblical fear of God…. but it was the teaching on THE MEANING OF THE CROSS that made me put up this blog entry. (The above link opens a new window.)

God sent his son who lived a perfect life and then, according to the plan of God, they rejected Him, whipped Him etc and God looked at all Jesus’ suffering at the hands of men and considered that to be payment for all our sins against Him.

That is heresy. The deepest form of heresy. You can be wrong about a lot of things but if you are wrong about the cross you are in trouble.

What? Our common conception of what happened on the Cross is heresy? What does the Bible teach about the Cross, then?

God‘s word says that if anyone declares the sinner to be right when he is not right is an abomination before Him. So if God declared you to be right when you were not right, If God simply forgives the wicked, He would become an abomination, according to His own word. He would become wicked. Imagine a judge sitting up there in his place on the bench, forgiving a murderer and letting him go. He would no longer be a just judge.

God is a just judge and God justice demands he throw men in hell

Therefore if God is a just God He cannot forgive… He must punish the wicked, That is the point of the whole Bible. All through the Old Testament we see animals dying.. it is symbol and type of the final and ultimate sacrifice.

More excerpts ….

Perhaps it is becoming a little more clear as to why God had to die. If he justifies the wicked person and declares the sinner to be righteous He, according to His own word, becomes an abomination. God can not simply forgive.

The law… God law demands that the sinner has to die.


Now the only way that God can forgive sinful men is if God who made the law and God who demands satisfaction .. comes down Himself and pays the penalty.

So what are we saved from?

When some one says they have been saved, the question to be asked is saved from what? Many people will say from sin. This is simply not true! Sin was an act you did. Sin isn’t going to throw you in hell. You have sinned, but sin is not a living being that going to judge you then throw you into hell.

What you have been saved from is not a what, it is a who.

    Much more then, being now justified by his blood, shall we be saved from the wrath of God through him. Romans 5:9. [Emphasis Added]

You have been saved from God. God is the judge of all the universe. YOU have sinned and made yourself an enemy of God. So when you stand before Him, He will judge you and throw you into hell.

Wow…. really…. never looked at it like that…. that’s – well, that’s true! ouch.

So we realize we have to be saved from God and His punishment, but how is that punishment to be done away with? When Jesus was dying on the cross it was not the nails in His hand, or the crown of thorns or the Roman spears that save you. The suffering that men heaped upon Jesus is not that which pays for the crime. God did not look on that suffering and okay Good Enough!. What paid for your sin is written in Isaiah 53:10 and 12

    Yet it pleased Jehovah to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of Jehovah shall prosper in his hand.

Usually when you hear a sermon or preaching on Isaiah 53, it usually centers around verses 3,4,5, and six, which talk about the suffering heaped on Jesus by men. Very rarely do you hear about Isaiah 53:10.

    It pleased the Lord to crush Him.

    Isaiah goes on to say

    “…[He] was numbered with the transgressors; Yet He Himself bore the sin of many, And interceded for the transgressors.” (Isaiah 53:12)

So how is the Cross the way of salvation?

How is it that that cross saves you? Because Jesus bore on the cross all the sin that God hates. The sin of all God’s people, from the first man ever saved on the face of the earth to the last man ever saved on the face of the earth was placed on His son.. the sins of all of God’s people. Everything that should be poured out on sinful creatures through out eternity, God throws down on His only begotten Son in a matter of moments. Crushes Him under the weight of His own justice.

When Jesus said let this cup pass from me, people think it because He did not want to go to the cross. They usually imagine it was the physical agony that He did not want to go through…

No, Jesus wasn’t thinking about nails in His hand, about spears and crowns of thorns or Roman soldiers. He was thinking about the fact that He had never been out of the Father’s bosom. That He had never been separated from His Father and now the Father was about to turn His face away from His Son. The Father did not turn His face away because He did not want to see His son suffering, He turned His face away Because His son had become detestable. Which is why Matthew 27:46 tells us..

    “About the ninth hour [3:00 PM] Jesus cried out [quoting Psalm 22:1] with a loud voice, saying, ‘Eli, Eli, Lama sabachthani?’ that is ‘My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?'”

You and I deserved to be crushed with the hammer of justice, to be crushed under God’s wrath. But in order to save us He was crushed under His own wrath. That is what the Cross is. That is what it means. If you ever fully realize what happened that day, it will affect you for the rest of your life. You will never be able to get away from it.

Wow. Lord, Jesus…..

And so, the conclusion:

And if the day comes that you stand before this Holy God who is about to pass judgment on you without having your sins paid for by His Son, then be afraid, be very afraid, as the wrath which made Jesus say ‘let this cup pass from me’ is about to descend on your shoulders.

Remember that when you hear about Jesus dying for you, you know now that it is more than just some whips. While one cannot possibly depreciate the physical suffering it was nothing compared to the Son of God being crushed by His own Father. Comparatively those whips were nothing. And when He cried out “It is Finished” that meant ‘Paid In Full’. If you are a Christian, God can never pour out His wrath on you. It is impossible because His son drank it. It does not exist anymore. There is no more punishment left for you. But if you are not a Christian you don’t even want to know what awaits you..

Why did Jesus die on a Roman cross? He died for the sins of ungodly mankind, to save us from the wrath of God, and to make peace between us and God. “Therefore having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ…” (Romans 5:1).

It was a long post… and there’s much more to that article…. but … I’m speechless.

If you are reading this right now, and you have been impacted by these excerpts, or this article, and you don’t yet know Jesus – if you would like to escape God’s wrath and become a positive son of God because Jesus paid your price in full…. say this prayer with me.

Father God, I recognize now what you have done in the Cross. I acknowledge that I have sinned and deserve your punishment. However, I recognize that Jesus has paid for my sins with his own blood… and all I have to do is receive him. I turn away from my sins now, and accept what Jesus’ blood has bought for me – my life! I repent of my sins, and say to you, “I want to be a new creature in Christ.” Thank you Jesus! Amen

If you have prayed this prayer…. respond to me by posting a comment. If you have been impacted, share the site with others.

Missional vs. Attractional vs. House Church Models all have the SAME flaw « From Eden to Zion

Should I call this my Eden 2  Zion series?   I’m reading another post from this website  Missional vs. Attractional vs. House Church Models all have the SAME flaw today, and it has to do with the flaw in focus – all of these “forms” of the church are trying to build the church:

 The missional model believes you build the church through being “incarnational” which often means small communities living life with non churched people, enfolding them into community as they move toward a belief in the Gospel.  Attractional churches set up excellent programs usually centered around a worship service that draws the non churched in and slowly works on building a belief as they move visitors through a defined assimilation process.  House churches critique both models believing you build the church by gathering believers together in a shared common life.

The premise of this article is that “All three models miss the point.”  Jeromy points out

 “We are never commanded to build the church.  We are never commanded to plant a church.  We are never encouraged to develop church building models of any kind.  We don’t build the church.”

The  true ‘mission’ of the church, as stated by the article, is:

Jesus has already weighed in on this debate.  Listen to two thing he said, “I will build my church” (Matthew 16:18), and “Go and make disciples….” (Matthew 28:19).

Making disciples should be the goal, which would aid int the organic reproduction of the church.  As he suggests:

Thousands of churches emerged through Paul’s ministry but he didn’t build them, they emerged as Paul proclaimed the gospel, made disciples and released the 5-fold ministry (Ephesians 4:11).  [Read this for one example of this in the city of Ephesus]

 He goes on to cite an example of a friend of his who has seen this principle in action.  How did the churches in his example form?  He suggests, ” through the training of disciples NOT through the planting or building of churches.”

He links to other articles on his blog, which has a lot of posts on this topic, as his ministry uses this paradigm for church reproduction. 

How do you think this would work in practice, if the Church stopped building itself and tried focusing on making disciples? (And I note that the wording is very deliberate here – disciples, not just converts.)

Happy 1 year anniversary to ME!!!!!

WOW…. who would have believed it? I just checked my archives and just realized it – September 27th was my blog’s first birthday!!!!! What a bad parent…. I forgot! lol

Anyway, I’m just greatful to God Almighty that I’ve been able to keep at this for a WHOLE YEAR… and then some!  Let’s get ready for a new year! 

Almighty God, I give you this blog again as a commitment from my heart to yours. I started this blog as a chronicle of the mighty things you have been doing in my life, and I want to continue to use it in this manner.  But God! I never saw the love coming!  I have met some solid friendships here – Tam, and Darla, Praise365 and Tola…. and so much more people than I have ever interacted with without ever seeing them face to face ONE TIME.  But you know what? I want that to change!  So, God, I bless you for this piece of heaven right here online (on earth doesn’t seem appropriate!) and I ask that more people are blessed by this blog, more people are helped by interacting with YOU through me.  Let us band together again, Jesus, to see demons run from the name that is above every other name!  Let us link arms, Holy Spirit, so that as you release words of prophecy through me that those reading will be blessed.  And all of this – ALL. OF. IT.  I give back to the most wonderful FATHER I could ever hope for – my Eternal Everlasting FATHER GOD – JEHOVAH.


Hearing God’s Voice: Realigning with Purpose

Today I’m hearing God speak to me through the blogosphere:  I’m realizing that he wants this time of seperation to be a refocusing, a realignment with purpose and vision. 

Here are some of the posts I’ve been led to this morning:

AjR says in his post “You ‘think’ you Know – You have no idea!” that Jesus was not defined by his birth (in a manger) or of what the people in his hometown thought of him:

“Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, and brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon? Are not His sisters here with us?” 


The people were basically saying, “Jesus, we know your whole family, therefore we know you… they’ve done nothing extraordinary, so who are you to think that YOU are going to do or become anything extraordinary?”

He was referencing Mark 6:3, and even with others’ negative view of Jesus, he knew who he was and what God’s purpose was for him!

Check out his last paragraph – pretty challenging!

Don’t box yourself in today! Don’t let others either!  Jesus just kept on going… and the people that didn’t recognize it, they missed out on some free food (see Mark 6:33-44). Today, you may feel like Joseph’s boy, or Mary’s girl. You may be Johnny’s brother and Sue’s sister. But you have a purpose today! Walk in it!

 Pur•pose: |ˈpərpəs|

• the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists
• a person’s sense of resolve or determination
• have as ones intention or objective

Also, Echoes Of Redemption challenged me to be ‘like Christ’, and challenged me with these words:

A few times, ministry becomes the soul focus of my life, forcing everything else out of sequence. When ministry becomes the god of the minister, the minister fails at ministry.

I’m definitely checked by that quote.  I must make sure that my time of seperation ensures that God alone is the one who gets my allegiance.  He also comments

“In God’s Kingdom it matters that I become more like Him. It matters that I am prioritizing Him above all things. I must be discontent with anything less than Christ.”

That’s my goal – to be discontent with anything less!

I am allowed to love what I do. God intended that. He probably even dreams of it. But above anything else I do, I am supposed to be like Christ. To seek first His Kingdom, knowing all these things will be added.

You mean I am supposed to like what I do? *phew* I thought I was becoming too happy in the Lord!  But with that being said, I am still supposed to seek the kingdom first! Lord, help me to balance properly!

UPDATE: Have to add this – this one comes from Pastor Tim’s blog – he’s speaking about ‘Christian Cursing’ and is talking about Paul insulting the High Priest in Acts 23:1-5.

In effect, Paul calls the judge a stinking hypocrite

This was more flesh than spirit

Correction, it was all flesh and no spirit

 Immediately after losing his temper and being thrown in jail – he is comforted by the Lord:

He did not need an angel He needed a Friend

Acts 23:11 ¶ But on the night immediately following, the Lord stood at his side and said, “Take courage; for as you have solemnly witnessed to My cause at Jerusalem, so you must witness at Rome also.” 

 He says nothing about the failure

Speaks to him about the future

But most importantly STANDS AT HIS SIDE right after he loses it

 Now that is one incredible God

Stands closest when we blow it most

 Now I needed that!!!!!!

Blog chronicling miracles!

You know what? I love the Tag Surfer – you find some great blogs that have the same tags that you have in your own posts.  Here’s another blog I found just now that I plan to keep tabs on… I love watching God work in and through  the lives of his people.  I love how he extends his kingdom through random people who are committed to “doing the stuff.”

Here’s the blog: Miracles on the streets of Dudley – I don’t even know where Dudley is…. but I’m just so excited to read what God is doing!

Testimony of a Stillborn Girl raised to life!!!

First off: a disclaimer (for those who frequent my blog) – this is not my story… YET! I’m seeking God to see it in my life, though!

Read it here.

The other thing that struck me is the age of the girl who gave the testimony – she’s 14… 14!!!!!!!!

May I be one who can usher children into the presence of the Lord to see them work the works of God – including my own sons! As Bill Johnson has said, “Children do not get a junior Holy Ghost. He comes in only one size …. really, really large!

Interesting Kingdom Websites II

You know, I realize that the #1 top post for months now on my blog is the one where I just had nothing to say! 😀  I can’t believe it!  All I did was list a couple of my favourite websites.   So, I thought I’d add to that list (curse you, shameless blog stats!)

A couple more of my favourite websites – now not just limited to the prophetic/supernatural, are:

  • In Plain Site (no, not a typo!) – this is the deepest website on Biblical matters I have found!  My blog contains a link to this site that is my second most popular post since I started!
  • Simple Church Journal – An informational website about house churches – also called simple or organic churches.
  • House 2 House – Another website dedicated to house churches.
  • Paul D. Watson – A new addition to my favourites list. Only read a couple entries so far, but it’s good stuff here.
  • Ministering -A part of a network of websites dealing with deliverance. Check out the website’s blog (and no, although the author’s name is also Robert, it’s not my site!)
  • The Deliverance Ministry Blog is another new website – testimonies of actual deliverances! I’ve recently added one, so you can check it out. It’s another site linked to the one above.
  • Great Bible Study – And this website lives up to its name!  This is another deep website!  It has a lot of Biblical material – including information about deliverance.  It’s the last of the series of websites I can find from the Ministering Deliverance network above.
  • Overcomer – my friend Darla’s blog… interesting, funny, deep spiritual insights.  I have her on my homepage so that I can be updated as soon as she adds anything.
  • inProgress – another friend on the blogosphere.
  • A Mending Shift – Another one of the websites that made it onto my personal Google homepage so that I can be updated – very, very good stuff here.

Ok, that’s enough for now! (Ok, I admit, I’m not at home – I’m in Tampa on my aunt’s computer, so I don’t have access to my bookmarks on my home PC…. ) Seriously though, check out these websites and have fun!


I can’t talk.

Go here.


Joyful Maturation/ Blogosphere Food For Thought

I had a conversation with Kesha – my Dominican friend who I led back to the Lord via a prophetic word (Read about it in my blog post here. ) – yesterday. In our last conversation, she was having a hard time reading the Bible, I just gave her some encouragement and prayer. Now, months later, we hook up again online and she tells me that she is now worship leading and also leading a Bible class at her assembly! I felt so proud – like a dad watching his daughter growing up and taking responsibility for herself. Love you, Kesha!


Here are some links to some blog posts I’ve found really interesting over the past couple of days:

In all honesty, these posts have made me pause – *especially* the Fasting from the Lord’s Supper. Really. Hope these links make u think. A LOT.