Sara’s Web – Article on Sara’s Life

Thank you Jenni Clayville for pointing me towards this article on Sara’s life.  I will link to it here as I continue to remember how powerfully Sara has impacted mine.


CEDAR FALLS, Iowa — It had been more than three years since Sara Frankl was well enough to leave her condominium.

It had been even longer since she was able to enjoy trips into the great outdoors. For years her only forays outside her home’s four walls were for visits to the doctor or pharmacist.

But that never stopped her from living.

Read More:


To read my own tribute, go here.

Tribute to a Friend – Sara Frankl (Gitzengirl)

Choose Joy - GitzenGirl

One of my online friends is dying.

UPDATE: Sara died on Saturday, September 24th, 11:14 PM.  Go here to read the most recent posts on her blog (Mourning into Dancing,  Arrangements)

I have followed her blog for over a year and her constant choice of joy in the face of her otherwise insurmountable obstacles has been a great blessing to me.  You see, to cut a long story short, she has had a set of diseases that have literally had her trapped in her own home for years.  She was allergic to or had some reaction to almost EVERYTHING. But I don’t want you to think that her disease defined her – oh NO…. she CHOSE joy where I would have crumbled, where most other people  would have crumbled.  Her strength of character has been unparalleled.

I have linked to her blog above …. I’m not able to articulate all I’m feeling at the moment.  I have posted my tribute that I left on her blog here as well. Please remember Sara Frankl – Gitzengirl or Gitz to her friends – and be inspired to CHOOSE JOY.

I am shaken to my core.  I am not a regular commenter here, but I have been a regular reader for a very long time – I have eagerly looked forward to your posts and your lifestyle of choosing joy….Who would think that the news that you are about to head home would be so devastating to me? I never thought it would be; I mean, I would read your words and go on with my day content, without so much as a thought of contacting you myself, the way that I have done with Mandy or Tam….But …. I am.Sweet Sara, I downloaded your songs that you posted on your blog and I have listened to them in rapt attention as your melodious voice caressed my ears and mind.I have followed Riley’s antics and smiled at every picture.

I have been with you as people come in and out of your life through the pages of your blog and some through the front door.

We have never met.  But yet, we have.

I am in Barbados.  Your life has reached me.

As Gandalf said in the Lord of the Rings, “I will not say, ‘Do not weep,’ for not all tears are an evil…”

My heart is breaking.

But I have to say two more words before you go home.


Update:  Here you can listen to one of my favourite songs sung by Sara.  My Soul’s Desire.   You can hear other songs from her on the website as well.

One Word 2011: Momentum – Halfway Point

At this point in my life, halfway between the beginning and ending of 2011 – I would say that I am definitely picking up momentum in some ways, while slacking in others.  On the more positive side – I am definitely making attempts and strides towards getting out more and doing some things that make me feel passionate and alive! One of those things – the main thing I am striding in – is my creative side.  I have started writing poetry again in earnest and have been going to open mic and spoken word events for several weeks now. This has led to me having a great boost in confidence as those who hear me read my work are enthusiastic and keep telling me how good it is.  I also decided to finally put the poems online as well; the last time I was writing was at the infancy of the information age, and I lost over 155 pages of my early poems (that I was writing from about 14 years old) as my computer rejected the file that I was trying to save to a website (circa 1997-98.)

This time, with a more sturdy and global internet, where blogs are all the rage …. I decided to take the plunge and store them online again.  And this time I was more successful.  My new blog is called Poet: Whispers and can be accessed at I have been encouraged by all the positive things spoken about the poems that have been released – one of my blog friends has commented that she’s read the poems and said they left her “bug eyed and speechless!”  I had to clarify if that was a good thing … hehe (she assured me that it was; her way of saying WOW!)

Going out so often has the double benefit of helping to boost my confidence AND helping me to come out of my shell more. As another friend of mine has commented to me just today – she is proud of me for continuing to push forward and come out of my shell in spite of all I have gone through recently.

Now for the less positive side.  I have lacked motivation and drive to pursue the God who I know is the only one I can really, truly able and capable one, and because of that, I have seen negative momentum … it is now officially a year since my wife and I separated, and we are now faced with the decision how we are going to end our marriage. I have struggled with personal sins as I tried to cope, yet had a mental block for a long time against God and his church.  I saw and felt a pulling back towards Him recently, but again, it has petered off.  I struggle, because I still feel rebellious towards the good-boy image that has been over my life – that is one of the stigmas I want to break off.   I have constantly been telling others that I am only human and not God come back in the flesh, as those who interact with me in real life have seemed to believe (at least, this is how their actions towards me have led me to think they believe) and, now, with the seeming inevitability of the demise of my marriage, and my moral struggles and all the rest of it, the church came up woefully inadequate in providing a safe place for me to heal and feel secure.  So, I have hidden myself away – and that has only stopped recently with the poetry excursions.

So.  There it is.  My momentum for this year has not always been positive.  But it is what it is.  And I am still believing God for somehow helping me to get out of the mire.  I have prayed for the desire to change.  I have said, “Help me to want this.”  And I guess that that in itself is momentum in the right direction.

When you read this, it will more than likely be June 8th. My birthday.  My wish for this day, and for the rest of my 33rd year on this earth, is that God would not leave me comfortless, and that he would continue to pursue me until I find him again.

Repost: Welcome To the Hand of God!

I am continuing my reposting ‘series’ … and I had a thought:  I’m trying to revive my blog, but also to bring to the surface great blog posts from my archives, right? So why don’t I repost the linky-post that welcomes all new users and has several links to different posts – and some whole series as well?  So, here we go – for all you who happen to stumble in, as well as those who have subscribed or joined recently – Welcome to the Hand of God!  Links abound – comment away!!!!

Welcome to the Hand of God!

Posted on February 9, 2010 by bajanpoet | Edit

This is a special welcome to every new member of the Hand of God, especially those personally invited by my new family at the Daily Audio Bible community.  I have made a whole new set of friends on the chat rooms there, and want to shout out AmariNanny, Calico, Dennis, Servant-Ken, Newme, Jai, Southampton and all the others that I’ve started to connect with.

So, if you’re new, you’re wondering what this blog is all about, right?  Right?  Well,according to my About page (didya see that coming? Didya?…):

The purpose of the Hand of God is to chronicle God’s hand in my life, and testify of the things God does when I pray for others.  Here you will see slices of heaven on earth, where the miraculous meets the mundane.  I also share parts of my life and try to be as open online as I am in person.

Here there are several testimonies of God working supernaturally in my life and in the lives of others around me:

My Supernatural Stories series

Here is my series on deliverance teaching – Deliverance Foundations

Here’s another series I’ve done – Life Together series

Ok! That’s a lot!  I’ll post another links page for more forays into the innards of the blog.

Please comment in the blog if you find something you like, or contact me (at) gmail (dot) com.

Repost: Personal Devotions Series: Prophetic Challenge

Yet another repost … hope this one encourages you …

God told me a great way that I could stay on top of my personal devotions – blog about what He has said through his word!  So, I’ll start today and see what happens…

God has been stirring me this morning – I read 2 Chronicles 18:1-27, where the prophet Micaiah has prophesied not just Ahab’s death, but the method through which he would be lured to his death.

Context – The kings of Israel and Judah have allied through marriage, and want to go to war.   Ahab calls on his court prophets and asks them if he should attack Ramoth Gilead, but Jehosaphat wanted to hear from a ‘prophet of the Lord.’

What struck out to me was the fact that Micaiah was adamant that he would only say what God would have him say, even although everyone else was ‘prophesying’ success.  When I was reading this, the Lord said to me that a prophet’s job doesn’t make you popular….

The prophet tells the kings that he sees all Israel “like sheep without a shepherd” …. and then continues to tell them that the Lord has sent a lying spirit amongst the court prophets to lure Ahab to his death.

What struck out to me is that, although Ahab tries to act all macho by having Micaiah imprisoned ‘until [he] returns safely’,  he still went to war dressed in an ordinary soldier’s uniform as a disguise – and he still dies.  Did Ahab really trust the prophet, or was he being cautious? You know – ‘Just in case he was right….’?

The Lord was reminding me of a prophetic word that he gave to me – that I was one of his trumpets, sounding a clear clarion call to others…. To declare clearly, I must be able to stand up against opposition, no matter what.

Lord, help me to be like Micaiah – faithful to hear and report only what you say, and faithful to you and you alone, even if everyone else is saying something different….

Repost: How Great is Our God!

I’m continuing with my reposting – trying to get myself back into the swing of regular posting without having to strain my brain looking for more content; as well, I get a chance to show of the ridiculously good God we have. Enjoy this – and keep on praying! (first posted in 2008!) 

How great is our God / Sing with me how great is our God/And all will see/How great/How great/Is our God!

God is awesome!!!!!

Had a deliverance session last night – it was awesome watching the Lord work and demons fleeing at the mention of the name of Jesus! It was a long session, but really rewarding – God moved sovereignly as I commanded the evil spirits out. It was even more awe inspiring to watch the Lord touch her as the evil spirits were removed and the presence of the Lord came in to fill the vacant spaces – I commanded out a spirit of heaviness and declared Isaiah 61:3, that the Lord gives the ‘oil of joy for the spirit of heaviness’, and she started to laugh; as I commanded out anxiety and spoke in the peace of God, based on Philippians 4:6-7, she visibly relaxed and you could physically see the change in her appearance as God’s peace entered her.  As I commanded out doubt and unbelief, the Lord had me release supernatural faith in its place – you should have seen the power of God hit her!

As I called out multiple personalities and commanded them to tell me their names, four identified themselves and were removed. As I broke ungodly soul ties and canceled curses of words spoken, tears flowed. Surprise was registered on her face as the Lord supernaturally revealed things that she didn’t even realize were there. After the 3 hour session, I laid hands on her and prophesied her destiny – released God’s call on her life and the power of God hit her; she could barely stand at one point. God is just awesome!!

So I’m rejoicing! One more victory for the Kingdom of God!

Repost – First Guest Post: New Normal

Continuing with my Repost series, below is my very first (ok, ok … ONLY, I admit it – you satisfied? *hmph*) guest post by my friend Annie. She hasn’t been blogging, but you can still go check out the blog that she has there, and read the great stuff she has written. She will be back to blogging – I hope…


This is my first guest post!  My good friend, fellow prayer warrior and all out good girl Annie consented to do a guest post for me…. part of the reason I hadn’t written anything myself is because I’ve been going through a lot of stuff… but I’ve also been waiting for her to answer me ;)

Anyway, here it is! My first guest post!  (And when you’re done, hop over to Annie’s place and read her stuff… she’s very good…)



Have you ever tried to …

break an old habit?
go on a diet?
change a wrong behavior?

I discovered about a year and a half ago that my intestines don’t digest dairy very well at all.  (Some people call this lactose intolerance.  I don’t like labels.  Or excuses.  So I don’t say this.  I say I don’t eat dairy.  It’s a choice, not a victimization.  Anyway.)

When I discovered this, several things happened.  Firstly, I was relieved.  It explained several things that had troubled me for almost all of my life, and which I had asked the Lord many times to reveal to me what was going on.  Secondarily I was chagrined.  Really?? No dairy??  But I LOVE milk, butter, and cheese!  I grew up on them.  Yummy, yummy, yummy.  Thirdly, I knew from Scripture that the promised land was ‘a land flowing with milk and honey’ and I had already looked up in the past the first occurrence in the Bible of eating dairy, and God Himself actually was the one who did.  Abraham served curds to God when He visited him (as the three men) before He went down to investigate Sodom and Gomorrah.  So.  I believed then (and I believe now) that my particular problem is a problem, and not normal.  So I’m still believing for the revelation on that.

At any rate, since that time, it has been a constant battle for me.  It is really hard to go out to eat and find non-dairy options.  This country’s cuisine depends on the cow like you would not believe.  The real war though, was in my taste buds.  The stuff just tastes so good.  I may know in my head all the consequences of eating a piece of pizza or taking a bite of that yummy Alfredo sauce pasta, but my taste buds are in denial.  They don’t consider the fact that if I eat it I’ll have to deal with the consequences.  They just know it will taste good.  And that’s all they know.

So I am left at the point of this decision.  Do I give in to my tongue?  Or do I respect the entire rest of my body and force myself away from it?

You know, when the Israelites left Egypt their physical situation changed.  They were no longer in bondage; they had freedom.  Yet even though their physical condition changed, in their minds (or hearts, as the Bible puts it) they were still longing for Egypt.  Egypt was still their ‘normal.’  They didn’t take ownership of where they were and say, “I’m free, in a desert, and pressing forward to the promised land.”  Instead they expected what they had had in Egypt.   They expected provision a certain way; they expected comfort a certain way.  And even though they knew that the precursor for having those things was bondage, they still didn’t give up wanting the ‘good tastes’ of Egypt.

So you’d think that after a year and a half I would have got this dairy thing down.  I mean, it’s the same decision every time.  But in my head you know … I always held on to the prospect of how good it would taste to eat it.

And finally I had an epiphany.

Psychologically, I hadn’t accepted that there had been a change.  I let my mind keeping thinking that ‘normal’ was everything I used to eat.  And therefore not eating it was ‘abnormal’ and ‘temporary.’  Light bulb!  I decided to change that.  So now, instead of looking behind me and ‘longing for Egypt,’ I created a ‘new normal.’  In my new normal … I just don’t eat dairy. It’s not something that’s forced on me; it’s not even something I regret.  It’s just … normal.

You see, in the past, feeling bad was normal.  And in my mind, I couldn’t break away from that.  Feeling good (when I didn’t eat dairy) was just a nice perk.  A temporary fluke.  It wasn’t normal.  I had put up with feeling bad for so long that it had come to feel comfortable to me.   And regardless of the fact that I had plenty of evidence to tell me that a ‘new normal’ was possible … my heart had never accepted it.

The epiphany came when I was willing to look at that and say, “It’s not normal for me to feel bad.  And look bad.  It’s normal for me to feel good.  And look good.”  The choice to not eat dairy was just a part of my new normal.

So I am happy to report that the last month or so I have lived in my new normal.  I’m not longing for Egypt anymore.

Normal never felt so good.
Has there been a ‘new normal’ in your life?  Would you like to share?

PS: for those who are interested in my symptoms and results, I would love to answer questions.  Most people, I think, wouldn’t, so I haven’t made that a part of this post.  🙂


Repost: You Need Power…..

In this series, I’m reposting some of my earlier contributions to this space. First, so that some of the good stuff isn’t lost in the archives, but is exposed for all to see; and, second, to get the blog active again while I battle a couple of things (including writer’s block – again…)

So here is a repost of – “You Need Power! – Don’t I Ever!” (first published on May 28, 2008…


I have not abandoned the blog… just have been hit with writer’s block *grin*

I’ve had a wonderful time assisting with a group deliverance on Saturday May 24th…. great to see how God moves. I was exhausted afterward, tho!

Ok, so enough of me. I will post the devotion from Today God is First (TGIF) by Os Hillman for May 27th. I liked it – we all need power from the Holy Spirit to do what we are called to do!

You Need Power
TGIF Today God Is First Volume 2, by Os Hillman

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8).D.L. Moody was a shoe salesman until God moved him into a full-time preaching ministry, often in the streets of Chicago. There came a point in his journey with God that he realized he needed more in his life than what he was experiencing. “At the close of the Sabbath evening services I remember two holy women they would say to me, ‘We have been praying for you.’ I said, ‘Why don’t you pray for the people?’ They answered, ‘You need power.’

‘I need power?’ I said to myself. Why, I thought I had power. I had a large Sabbath school and the largest congregation in Chicago. I was in a sense satisfied. But then came these two godly women who prayed for me, and their earnest talk about “the anointing for special service” set me thinking. I asked them to come and talk with me, and we got down on our knees. They poured out their hearts, that I might receive the anointing of the Holy Ghost. And there came a great hunger into my soul. I knew not what it was. I began to cry as I never did before. The hunger increased. I really felt that I did no want to live any longer if I could not have this power for service. I kept on crying all the time that God would fill me with His Spirit. Well, one day, in the city of New York – Oh, what a day! I cannot describe it; I seldom refer to it; it is almost too sacred an experience to me. Paul had an experience that he never spoke for fourteen years. I can only say, God revealed Himself to me, and I had such an experience of His love that I had to ask Him to say His hand.

I went to preaching again. The sermons were no different; I did not present any new truths, and yet hundreds were converted. I would not be placed back where I was before that blessed experience if you would gave me all Glasgow.*

*Elmer Towns, Understanding the Deeper Life, Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, MI, 1984, pp. 224, 225

Prophetic Word: Commissioning over MSN

Forgive me, I have neglected my blog as of late… I have not written anything in such a long time.  What I will do, starting from next time, is bring you some old posts from my archives to give the blog a kick start as well as to not lose some of the great testimonies that are in this space.  What follows is part of an MSN conversation I had a while back that I was supposed to post, but I never got around to it.  Enjoy seeing how God moves across the interwebs once again!

In the below excerpt I gave my friend (Name changed to L) a few prophetic words, which she confirmed, and I prayed with her over MSN – and she spoke in tongues out loud for the first time!   (That’s just for those who are too lazy to read through the whole conversation – and I only included the relevant bits…. hehe

PS – I did not alter the text – in the sense of checking for spelling or getting rid of instant-messaging contractions, (like ‘u’ for ‘you’, etc.) I’m expecting that most people will be able to understand it as written. At least, I hope so 🙂  Enjoy!

BajanPOET says:

I was gonna ask u how ur relationship with God was going    God interrupted me and gave me the word, “Fire-carrier”  ….  with the sense that you should ask him for ways to extend the reach of his Spirit beyond the church building and carry it to those around u, as it is inside you already    Your passion for him is radiating off of u… I can see it from here!

That doesn’t mean u don’t have bad days   JUst that God sees the direction of ur heart and it is still towards him, no matter what’s going on right now

L says:

 wowww   as usual God is always on time and i really thank God for u and even more for ur openess to allow God to use u as a voice piece…i have something on my mind (cant share it as yet) but that is jus some confirmation

BajanPOET says:

don’t have to share it with me, dearie…. just know that whatever the issues of your heart, be comforted in the fact that he has your heart in his hand.  Remember – u are encouraged to cast ALL your cares on him BECAUSE he cares for you!

His presence is around u like sparks …. u need to stop doubting who HE is in YOU and ACT

L says:

 uhhhumm i keep getting that … i need to get up and do something i am a bit too relax

BajanPOET says:

“well maybe u need to do something about it”  That sounds familiar ….


L says:

   yes it does … but i am trying but i am horrible at manageing my time

BajanPOET says:

well, I know exactly what u mean

L says:

 and it feels as thoa i have soooo much to do and no time to do it in

BajanPOET says:

Same here

so I’d encourage you with the same thing I’m encouraged to do… just ask God to help u with it, give it to him and then do what he says!

He will prompt u to start a project right now, stop in 5 mins ….

all u need to do is obey then

and the pressure is off u

coz God has your Blackberry lololol

and thus ur timetable

Hey I’m talking to myself here too

L says:


 and ya know what i set out my timetable that i have all evening classes except on tuesdays maybe thats for some reason .(mine was that if i get a job i wud have time … but so far no job so i guess God has a better plan for my days. As i said i have something in mind that God birth in my spirit on monday on my way to school or in one of my classes so i kno i need to do something about it

 it is about time

BajanPOET says:

yes it is

L says:

 cuz i have done nothing so far and this is the 2nd time that it came back to me and the urge is stronger

BajanPOET says:

The Lord is telling you to GO FOR IT

L says:


BajanPOET says:

He set your timetable

Cast off the self doubt and the “I don’t know…’ and JUST DO IT

It will not be on ur own

seek him … the ppl who u will work with are under ur nose

but he wants u to stop being scared and step out of the boat …. watch him and u won’t sink!

L says:

 yes yes

 well i will start to get things in order

 i done waste time

BajanPOET says:

good girl

Ok … prophetic encouragement for the day!

even thoa we mess up at times  God is always there with arms wide open says:

   oooo ok

 well i will give u a call , need to get a charger for my cell phone which i plan to buy as soonas possible and i will give u a call

BajanPOET says:

yes please.

I know that there’s a reason I connect with ur spirit every time we talk

so I want to keep u close lolol

L says:

 uhhum telling me and it always leaves me in awe because it encourages or re-affims and it is jus when i need it

BajanPOET says:


I want to see u step out coz I am sure that u have a prophetic streak in u that u’re afraid to use …. or don’t know it’s there.  I feel like u get thoughts about others but never say it coz u’re afraid u might be wrong … u know what? I started out like that too! Just have to jump for it and take the risk… and realize that u don’t miss it as much as u think u would!

L says:

 OOMMGG (g=goodness) ROBERT u need to stop it!!!!! no i am jus kiddin

BajanPOET says:


laughing out loud here ….

u can close ur mouth now, sweetheart lolol

L says:

 if u cud only c

 BajanPOET says:

who says I can’t? rofl (ok THAT one’s tongue in cheek) lololol

But I’m not prophetic for nothing … whenever we talk the prophetic flows freely

that shows me that there’s a like spirit there

shows me that u’re open to it

shows me that God has plans for u

L says:


 now this is profound


 but Lord i thank you

BajanPOET says:

u have gifts that Father wants to nurture

and release – not only back into your Wesleyan context – but outside into the world

there are people who are not going to grace the inside of a church but will meet God as u speak into their souls, revealing what God has shown u

what is happening with u is that u are seeing – for urself – that God is real, his VOICE is real and HE KNOWS YOU

so that u can use that as testimony to others when u tell them what God is showing u for THEM

When others challenge u, u can say, I know it’s real – it HAPPENED TO ME

L says:

 uhhumm but as u said what have me is that i doubt my self so much and i think i am wrong

 but from this day no longer will i allow doubt keep me back from saying what the Lord has placced on my heart

 i will be bold because God has given my a spirit of Love power and a strong mind

BajanPOET says:

I’m praying in tongues over u right now.  As I type this u will feel the heat of the Spirit of God wash over u

And if u feel like yawning, go right ahead

I command the spirit of Fear to loose her NOW

I command the spirit of BOLDNESS to come and flood her spirit

I release the FIRE OF GOD through her

and say that the rivers of living water are CHURNING in her BELLY right now

Be released!

As Treebeard said in the Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers – “Break the dam! RELEASE THE RIVER!”

And I release the river of the anointing of GOD OVER and through LEYANN in JESUS’ NAME

Tell me if u feel anything   coz I know something was released    Spirit of God moved when I prayed

and my hands are still warm

I release the prophetic call.  L… according to the Word of God, the young men will see visions and the old men will dream dreams…

I give u permission to speak the word of the Spirit

I break every shackle of fear NOW




Fear of RIDICULE leave NOW

Fear of MAN leave NOW



Roar, my darling


lay hands on the sick and they shall recover

prophesy to the breath and let the Spirit revive those slain (Ez 37)

God has a mighty work for Leyann to do

Do not fear the uninformed. Those who are tied to Wesleyan tradition (in ur context) will think u’ve gone mad!

God breaks you from your tradition NOW

in the name of JESUS CHRIST

He wants to be able to move you wherever, whenever

give him ur allegience

AMEN, LORD lolol

Come on, tell me what’s happening lol

L says:

 well i even as u prayed i prayed and believed God with u and yes i yawned and i felt a release and i started shaking and said something i did not understand and i kept saying Jesus is Lord

BajanPOET says:

u spoke in tongues, too? WOW

L says:

 i am still feeling as thoa something is sticking me

BajanPOET says:

Sticking u, where?

L says:

 in my side


BajanPOET says:

Well I rebuke that now… whatever is sticking her in her side, LEAVE NOW

U have no right to her



L says:


 well i have spoken in tongues in my head but i have never said anything out loud that was the first time

BajanPOET says:


Keep practicing it, darling.

It’ll get more fluent

You’ve been refilled again    Empowered for ministry

Meeting with God

On Sunday I woke up after a long night out with my friends, intent on lazing around and doing laundry. I was starting my daily BBM (BlackBerry Messenger) chat with my best friend when I realized that I was feeling a nudging, an insistent poking in my spirit.

God was prodding me to go to church.

I resisted, because I have been running from him for a while, not wanting to face the painful past few years. I have holed away in my bedroom and not ventured into assembled worship for months because I have felt a lot of bitterness, pain and betrayal against both God and his people.

Anyway, today I was being prodded.

As anyone who knows me well knows, I may fuss and fight, quarrel and all-out bitch at God, but I ultimately do what he says. So, very unwillingly, I got ready to go. I wasn’t exactly sure which assembly I was to go to, but I was going. While driving, the particular assembly I was to go to was impressed on my heart, so I dutifully went, expecting that it would be on the verge of starting and I could slip into the back row. Oh. My bad. They start an hour later than I thought.

I sat in my car for the hour feeling the incredible urge to drive home; I had my best friend tell me over BBM – command me, really, “You are not moving from that spot!”

The assembly started their worship set, and as I started singing, I just felt the strong impression that I shouldn’t sing, but should just soak in the worship.  The power of the Lord hit me as the songs continued and I found myself on the floor, with the weighty glory of God pressing me to the carpet.  Normally I would just enjoy lying there in God’s presence, but recent bad experiences with people in church not understanding how my body reacts to His glory prompted me to try to get up and sit down – but really I felt like I was fighting through something like honey – sticky and hard to push through.

Anyway, I eventually got to sitting and when I was able to compose myself I thought it best to go outside – didn’t want any more attention drawn to myself.  (In contrast to what I have been accused of, I really don’t like being the centre of attention; I would rather NOT have everyone looking at me when I’m worshiping.  I don’t do anything for show!)  As I was going out, I stumbled as another wave of God’s presence hit me – and I found myself falling ….but this time I was caught by a couple of the men of the church who assisted me outside and started to pray for me.

They prayed until I had a mini-deliverance outside …. I felt something leave as I coughed and spit up, but I am not sure I can identify it.  They prayed until the pastor of the church was called – an old friend of mine from college, actually.

He prayed for me, and as he released the power of God over me I started shaking again. Then he started to prophesy to me.  In part, he told me that God was restoring the voice of the prophet to me, and that my prophetic mantle is my protection.  He said that the anointing on my life is strong, and is scary to some, but that God would validate my calling. (At those words I am sure I started to cry – the last couple years have been tough as I have not been ministering at all.)  It felt good to hear him say those words – I have not used the word ‘prophet’ in reference to myself for a long time now.  After the prayer time, we just talked.  I told him that what he said rang true in my spirit and my experience, and he prayed for wisdom for me.  He told me that my reactions to the presence of God are in part because I am holding back. (I agreed – I so don’t want to be a spectacle and be accused of ‘showing off’ that I try to rein in when God releases his presence… but it has the opposite effect: like when you take a bottle of Coca-Cola and shake it vigourously before opening it!)

So that was my first meeting with God after over a year in an assembly.

Since that time I have seen my prophetic voice pick back up again….  there have been prophetic words for friends over BlackBerry Messenger, interpretations of dreams, and prophetic encouragements – but those will have to be written in another post!

How have you met with God recently?